Essential oils are antiviral: how and what to use?

Anti-virus there is nothing better than your own immunity. Let's help the body cope with the disease are not using immunomodulatory drugs, and with the help of essential oils.
The aromatherapy will help? 

  Aromatherapy for immune system

When a viral infection aromatherapy can not only improve our state, but also to stop the progression of the disease at an early stage. The main thing - start prevention. Then aromatherapy will be for us
• easy and soft treatment for the viral infection
• a means to improve immunity
• prevention means
• safe means of fighting computer viruses
The latter is especially important, because the medication drugs, with all due respect to them, yet one treat, but on the other have not the same effect. And often after the treatment of viral infections are treated stomach.
Fortunately, the use of antiviral essential oils from such adverse effects relieves. So their use is more than justified, particularly in combating viral infections in children.



What oil to use?

Any essential oil has a therapeutic effect. However, viral infections are fighting better than others, the following:
• «pine» essential oils - pine, fir, juniper, cedar, spruce
• eucalyptus
• lavender
• sage
• Tea Tree
• rosemary
At the same time, "coniferous" oils particularly strongly pronounced antibacterial effect, plus they possess immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. A good anti-inflammatory effect is the use of tea tree oil and sage along with juniper and pine.
Put a collar on the air and breathe the scent of a few hours. At the first breath you will feel relief.
Possess antiseptic tea tree and rosemary, and with them - sage, eucalyptus and lavender. The latter two, along with tea tree oil well remove the heat and have diaphoretic properties, which is important in the fight against viruses.
Viral infections overtake us with a decrease in immunity. To strengthen it used essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and all the "coniferous".
What should be remembered

Essential oils should be used with caution. It is important not to exceed the dosage, especially for children and the elderly. Expectant mothers especially need to very carefully use antiviral essential oils, because their bodies can react to them in unexpected ways. Acquire the essential oils it is necessary only in pharmacies - because quality is crucial.
And do not use oil, the smell is unpleasant to you, even if it is recommended in the fight against viral infections. It is better to pick yourself more.